DAVID W. HILYARD, farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Teheran; was born in Cumberland Co., N. J., April 1, 1827. Married Catharine F. Tomlinson, of the same county, Sept. 4, 1851; her birthday occurred March 9, 1833; they moved to Mason Co., Ill., in March, 1855, and opened a general country store in Salt Creek Township, but sold it out in the fall of 1856; in the spring of 1857, moved to the farm where they now reside; Feb. 17, 1867, their house was entirely destroyed by fire, and so suddenly, though at midday, they found it impossible to save anything except a very little bedding and personal clothing. They have had twelve children, viz., Mary K., born Oct. 15, 1852 (she married Lorenzo F. Chester, and resides in Cass Co., Iowa); Hannah H., born Sept. 11, 1854 ; Preston J. P., June 4, 1856 (lives in Cass Co., Iowa) ; Emer E., Aug. 26, 1858, died Sept. 23, 1859; Lincoln Hamlin, born Aug. 26, 1860; Edmund F., Aug. 15, 1862; Robert F., March 2, 1865; Emer E., Dec. 10, 1867; Charles B., Sept. 9, 1869; George H., Nov. 2, 1871, died Aug. 14, 1872; Walter R., born Feb. 16, 1874, died July 31. 1874, and Joseph L., born Sept. 30, 1876, died Oct. 27, 1876. In New Jersey, Mr. Hilyard was a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics is a Republican; he owns a good farm of 160 acres, and a nice home.